Mini therapy horse BUTTERCUP
BUTTERCUP is our tiniest mini, standing at 25.5" as a yearling. She is cremello in color, a true unicorn (just like big "sis" CreamPuff and was named after the unicorn in Toy Story 3 and she loves big hugs. She has a BIG girl personality and when she is out with the rest of the herd, you can often find her in the middle of the "big minis."
Buttercup came to us from Scott Slice at Slice Farms (S. Carolina). Buttercup and Blue Belle (BFF's) joined us in September, 2022. Her breeding goes back to Magic Man, Komokos, Flying W Farms, and Scott Creek Farm.
Buttercup passed her Pet Partners evaluation in November, 2024 and is now a registered therapy horse with us!
*Buttercup and Blue Belle were granted to us through the generosity of the Steven E. Wittkowski Foundation. Buttercup will go forth at every visit in Steven's memory.
FOALED: 3/23/23
Registered Pet Partners Miniature Therapy Horse